Monday, January 5, 2009

The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom

So last night at church, the sermon was on wisdom...and tonight, I wanted to listen to a sermon I went to Lighthouse Baptist Church in Sussex, WI...and there was a sermon glaring at me about Wisdom. So I listened to it~ I am so thankful for God's Word, and the encouragement that it brings to me. AND, I'm thankful for the people of God who are willing to share His truths with us. Some of the truths that I have learned & want to remember...What you fear controls you~! If God is what I fear losing...Then what do I do about that? If God requires obedience, then that is where I start. If God hates idolatry, then that is what I hate. What do things like obedience and idolatry look like in my life today? I must begin praying for wisdom, be reading and studying the Word of God under the direction of the Holy Spirit, and I need to be living in accordance with Biblical truth. I was talking to my Mom this afternoon and told her that I still haven't had my quiet time...I've been home all day, but still haven't seemed to have time for it. She reminded me that I need to plan for it. Right she is...people don't plan to fail, they fail to plan.

So today has been a good start to the week...The first full week of the new year. Remember that Amish Bread I was making the last time I blogged, smelled delicious, looked delicious, the end tasted delicious BUT the inside was not done. It made 2 loaves of bread that I had to throw away because they were not done. I guess this is part of the learning process to making bread. On New Year's Eve, I started a batch of Sourdough starter. I have never done this before either, but thought I needed to give it a try. Today was the first day that I was able to use it. I made 2 loaves of Sour Dough Bread...and they turned out wonderful. Tim was pretty impressed. They tasted pretty good too! YEAH~now, lets see if we can do this twice in a row. I love baking...and wish we could eat it faster so I could make more again tomorrow :)

I was able to get my house back into some shape of order all my stuff was still packed from coming home from Wisconsin. I feel like I got a handle on the laundry, dishes and part of the dust~! I feel like there is dust everywhere (that is when the light shines in the right direction). I was able to wash the floors and get all the marks know those marks that show up again when someone walks in the house. Sometimes I feel like washing floors is a useless task...just to be done over and over and over, BUT I must say that after the floors are cleaned, I smile with a sense of accomplishment and enjoy them for the moment. It's those little things in life. The dogs were also running under my feet all day. They were so happy and had bundles of energy in them. I actually took them for 3 walks today, and they are still running from one end of the house to the other even as I type this.

Tonight, I have been able to work on some sewing crafts. Doing these crafts seem to relax me...I love it. Tonight, I cut out a bunch of houses...which I'm trying to decide exactly what to do with them. I have thought of putting them on a purse, or putting them on pillows for my couch...or maybe making a lap quilt and putting them on that. I want to cut out I only cut out 2 so far. I have to get out my fabric and find the scraps. I did start cutting out birds too. I saw this bird mobile that was super "Quaint". Not sure if that's the word for it, but it's the first word that came to my mind. I will definitely post some pictures...and maybe try to find the original picture too.

Tomorrow, I hope to study God's Word, Start Teaching my dogs some manners, and get a membership at the YMCA~!! Those are just some of my goals for tomorrow...I better start making a list :)

1 comment:

Donette said...

Hi Brooke! I would love to help you with a quilt - I think it is a step-by-step process, but easy to conquer if you have some sewing experience. I started sewing this past May and have already made 4! Okay, I go a bit crazy when I find something I like!
If you are interested in my pattern, I found it at under the tab "projects and more" and then click on "quilting and patchwork". It is called the Belvedere quilt. Read over the instructions and let me know if you have any questions. You can email me at zempelfamily (at) yahoo (dot) com

And I'd be interested in your sourdough starter recipe and intstructions!